2D Platform Side-Scroller - Solo Project
A dark horror platform about a kid who ran away from home, and accidentally falls into a crack into the underworld where they must fight the Vice of Envy to escape.
The Vice of Envy is one of the Seven Deadly Sins and the Player has to navigate through Envy's domain and avoid mini demons and other obstacles. The main player's goal is to navigate throughout the realm (one level) and avoid obstacles and mini demons until they reach the exit that is guarded by Envy. If Envy defeats the player, the player will become a demon and is doomed to stay in the realm forever, making it Game Over. If the player wins, they will be able to exit and come back to the real world.
Night Shift
3D Objective-Oriented Platformer Game - Group Project
Group Members: Anusha Rao, Audrey DeHoog, & Nicole Telesz
Player is a ghost who is given a to-do list to complete during their night shift. The list from the boss contains objectives focused around typical ghostly and haunting activities to help keep the area spooky. The player works to fulfill the wishes of the ghost’s boss throughout the night.
To fulfill the goal of the level by completing the objectives, the ghost must hurriedly float through the haunted mansion and do what their boss has asked.

A 2D-game project created using Unity during a group project.
My role in this project was to help provide some scripts and graphics for the game background.